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Zilola Shezod qizi Mirqodirova


 Effective vocabulary lessons in the classroom are characterized by intentional and targeted instruction that focuses on building students’ academic word knowledge. By incorporating research-based strategies, educators can create meaningful contexts for students to encounter and engage with new vocabulary words

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How to Cite
Mirqodirova , Z. S. qizi. (2024). TEACHING VOCABULARY EFFECTIVELY IN CLASSROOM. GOLDEN BRAIN, 2(7), 210-213. https://webgoldenbrain.com/index.php/gb/article/view/177

How to Cite

Mirqodirova , Z. S. qizi. (2024). TEACHING VOCABULARY EFFECTIVELY IN CLASSROOM. GOLDEN BRAIN, 2(7), 210-213. https://webgoldenbrain.com/index.php/gb/article/view/177


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