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Inklyuziv ta’limda zamonaviy ta’lim usullari va metodlarini amalga oshirilishida qanday usullar va metodlar qo‘llanilishi haqida fikr yuritiladi. Maqola, inlyuziv ta’limning nima ekanligi, qanday yo‘llar orqali amalga oshirilishi mumkinligi, va ushbu ta’lim usullarining ta’lim jarayonini qanday o‘zgartirishi mumkinligini o‘rganishga oid tushunchalar keltirib o‘tilgan.
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How to Cite
. "Inclusive Education for Students with Disabilities: A Review of the Best Evidence on Practices that Make a Difference" - Avramidis, Elias, and Brahm Norwich (2002).
"Differentiated Instruction: A Guide for Foreign Language Teachers" - Deborah Blaz (2006).
"Cooperative Learning in Inclusive Classrooms: A Research-Based Guide for Educators" - Susan Hentz and Michelle Simpson (2013).
"Universal Design for Learning in the Classroom: Practical Applications" - Tracey Hall and Anne Meyer (2012).
"Teaching Everyone: An Introduction to Inclusive Education" - Whitney Rapp, Katrina Arndt, and Allison Bussey (2017).
"The Inclusive Classroom: Strategies for Effective Differentiated Instruction" - Margo A. Mastropieri and Thomas E. Scruggs (2014).
"Technology and Digital Media in the Early Years: Tools for Teaching and Learning" - Chip Donohue (2014).
"Inclusion: The Dream and the Reality in Practice" - Elena Rodriguez, Andrew Ashdown, and Joseff Fuentes (2018).
"Collaborative Teaching in Secondary Schools: Making the Co-Teaching Marriage Work!" - Wendy W. Murawski and Lisa Dieker (2015).
"The Power of Different: The Link Between Disorder and Genius" - Gail Saltz (2017).
"Инклюзивное образование. Основные понятия и практика в России" - Татьяна Дубовицкая, Валерий Альмухаметов (2017).
"Инклюзивное образование: теория и практика" - Л.А. Хацкелевич (2018).
"Педагогика инклюзии: методические указания" - Ирина Баскакова, Ольга Крупкина (2016).
"Педагогика инклюзии: теория и методика" - Надежда Спицына, Галина Деревянко (2017).
"Инклюзивное образование: учебное пособие" - Л.А. Хацкелевич, Л.Б. Львова (2019).