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Maqola Shvetsiya iqtisodiyotining o‘zaro barqaror va yuqori darajadagi rivojlanishi, sohalar bo‘yicha ko‘rsatkichlar mujassamlashgan.
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"The Nordic Model in the 21st Century" (2023) - This collection, edited by Ditlev Tamm, provides a deep analysis of the contemporary state of the Nordic economic model, examining its strengths and weaknesses.
"The Swiss Miracle Revisited" (2024) - Authored by Thomas Straubhaar, this book delves into Switzerland’s financial and economic spheres in detail, revisiting its economic prowess.
"Dutch Trade and Investment in the Global Economy" (2022) - This monograph, published by economists from the University of Amsterdam, sheds light on the Netherlands’ role in international trade and investments.
"The Sustainable Nordic Model" (2023) - This book, published by the Copenhagen Economics Institute, analyzes the sustainability of the Scandinavian economic model and its concepts for sustainable development.
"Norway’s Role in the Energy Transition" (2024) - Focusing on Norway’s contributions to the global energy transition, this book is published by the Stavanger Energy University.