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The international news coverage and review of local newspapers in third world countries have been a topic of interest for researchers in the field of life sciences. In today’s information-rich society, newspapers play a vital role in providing readers with a diverse range of information, enabling them to make knowledgeable decisions. At the heart of a newspaper are various types and categories of news stories from local, regional, national, and international events, all chosen based on their news values and newsworthiness. The prominence given to international news is a clear indicator of the newspaper’s focus on global issues. Not only does the selection, placement, and treatment of international news pieces reflect the priorities and approach of the newspaper, but it also contributes to the dissemination of information. Given the increasing significance of globalization, it is crucial that newspapers allocate ample space and attention to international news, fostering international goodwill and peace, and promoting cross-cultural understanding. An overview of the Uzbek press will help to appreciate the projection of international news in the Uzbek press and situate it in a larger context.
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How to Cite
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