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Madina Sunnatillo qizi Shirova
Aziza Akmalovna Ziyodullayeva


This thesis is dev oted to make a research about benefits of being bilingual. Acquiring multiple languages is advantageous for individuals, families, and society as a whole. Early childhood educators can inform families and communities about the advantages of being bilingual, assist in maintaining children's native languages, and promote the importance of preserving linguistic diversity. Nurturing a child's first language sets the stage for literacy development, enabling them to become proficient in reading and writing in multiple languages. Studies have highlighted numerous advantages associated with bilingualism and literacy.

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How to Cite
Shirova , M. S. qizi, & Ziyodullayeva , A. A. (2024). THE IMPORTANCE AND BENEFITS OF BEING BILINGUAL. GOLDEN BRAIN, 2(7), 139-143.

How to Cite

Shirova , M. S. qizi, & Ziyodullayeva , A. A. (2024). THE IMPORTANCE AND BENEFITS OF BEING BILINGUAL. GOLDEN BRAIN, 2(7), 139-143.


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