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Ushbu maqola sun’iy idrokning, O‘zbekistondagi ta’lim sohasiga sezilarli ta’sirini o‘rganadi. U qanday qilib talabalar so‘rovlariga tezkor va to‘g‘ri javob berishi va ularning qiziqishiga asoslangan bilim olish jarayonini osonlashtirish orqali o‘rganishga yordam berishi muhokama qilinadi.
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O. Onesi-Ozigagun, Revolutionizing education through ai: A comprehensive review of enhancing learning experiences, ”International Journal of Applied Research in Social Sciences” jurnalida chop etilgan.
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E. Sudina and L. Plonsky, The effects of frequency, duration, and intensity on l2 learning through Duolingo, tabiiy o‘tkazilgan tajriba ishi, Sharqiy Karolina Universiteti, AQSH, ”John Benjamin’s E-Platform” saytida chop etilgan
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